
Is there a way to put additional information in the Label in charts?
If you look at the example below, i have a one dimensional array 
with 2 book titles in it.  I am plotting the timesPurchased in the Y 
axis.  On the x axis i just have a unique index of each book.  What 
i would like to do is make the label attribute of the PlotSeries 
access the additional data in the array.  So, if a user moused over 
the 139 point in the plot, they may see the book title, and even the 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        public var citations:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection
                {Book: "1", timesPurchased: 139, 
Title: "Introduction to Flex", Publisher: "Some Publisher"},
            {Book: "2", timesPurchased: 115, Title: "Memoirs of 
James Brown", Publisher: "Grandfather of Soul Publishers"},   ]);
    <mx:PlotChart id="plot" dataProvider="{citations}" 
        <mx:LinearAxis minimum="0" maximum="4" interval="1"/>
            <mx:PlotSeries xField="Document" yField="timesCited" 
displayName="what would go here?"/>
    <mx:Legend dataProvider="{plot}"/>

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