Hi Vineet,

I ' m using the following:

VOs in AS3  -> public var id:Number;

VOs in Java -> protected Integer id;

I'm using Oracle 9i as my RDBMS...but I think this shouldn't be the problem
as I'm using JPA/EJB3
and could change from one to another with four lines of configuration. The
problem is in FDS2 and the persistence layer.

btw, the glue between FDS2 and Hibernate is Spring.

On 1/19/07, Vineet Bhatia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   Hi Carlos,

I have never had any problems with saving new entities using Hibernate and
Are you using primitive int data-type by any chance? If so then change it
to Integer.
Which RDBMS are you using?

- vineet

On 1/19/07 1:03 PM, "Douglas McCarroll" <

Well, it doesn't seem as though there's a great deal of actual use of
the FDMS/Hibernate option...

I'm struggling with trying to learn it, but there seem to be some bugs...

Hey flexcoders, is it possible that no one has attempted to create new
entities using FDMS/Hibernate?


Carlos Rovira wrote:
> Thanks Douglas,
> Thanks for the response.
> In that case, how people deal with the fact that hibernate expect IDs
> with null value instead of 0?
> Or maybe I'm missing something?
> On 1/19/07, *Douglas McCarroll*
PROTECTED]:org.yahoo_primary.001%40douglasmccarroll.com>>> wrote:
>     Hi Carlos,
>     I can't be of much help but I can tell you...
>     > Or maybe there's a way in FDS2 to configure default value to null?
>     ... that you can probably forget this option. FDS converts null
>     values
>     to zero when it converts AS objects to Java objects, and the only
>     workaround is to have code on the java side that converts zeros
>     back to
>     nulls. There are discussions about why this is the case in the
>     archive
>     if you want to do some searching...
>     Douglas
>     -------------------------------------------------
>     Douglas McCarroll
>     CairngormDocs.org Webmaster
>     http://www.CairngormDocs.org 
>     Flex Developer
>     http://www.brightworks.com 
>     617.459.3840
>     -------------------------------------------------
>     Carlos Rovira wrote:
>     >
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > I'm switching from Toplink to Hibernate using JPA/EJB3 and
>     Annotations.
>     > I'm facing a problem with this change due to the fact that when I
>     try
>     > to persist new entities Hibernate throws a
>     > "PersistenceObjectException: Detached entity passed to persist".
>     > Hibernate expects new entities with ID = NULL and my new entities
>     > reach the hibernate layer with ID = 0.
>     >
>     > If I were using hibernate xml config files (hbm.xml) I could use
>     > "unsaved-value = 0" (for each entity), but I'm using Annotations
>     > there's no "unsaved-value" annotation to use.
>     >
>     > So, anyone reach this problem? How could I change the default
>     > configuration in Hibernate so new entities with ID = 0 will be
>     > considered as the default.
>     >
>     > Or maybe there's a way in FDS2 to configure default value to null?
>     >
>     > Thanks for any light on this :)
>     >
>     > C.
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > ::| Carlos Rovira
>     > ::| http://www.carlosrovira.com 
>     http://www.carlosrovira.com 
>     > ::| http://www.madeinflex.com 
>     http://www.madeinflex.com 
>     >
>     >
> --
> ::| Carlos Rovira
> ::| http://www.carlosrovira.com 
> ::| http://www.madeinflex.com 

::| Carlos Rovira
::| http://www.carlosrovira.com
::| http://www.madeinflex.com

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