I keep asking Jesse why the hell he don't write a book about this
stuff, something about attention span....   I used Jesse's blogs to
make skins for work at my oufit, the dude rocks.   We need to have
more information out there on how to make better Flex applications
with Flash.   Jesse is on the cutting edge of this.  

- mister

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know it's my blog, but this particular entry wasn't cited here, so  
> just in case:
> http://www.jessewarden.com/archives/2006/12/integrating_a_f.html
> On Jan 19, 2007, at 5:22 PM, Russell Sprague wrote:
> Greg, you are right, there doesn't seem to be much about using Flash  
> and Flex together.  I read a lot of Flex/Flash blogs, and Jesse's  
> post was the first I had seen of any crossover.
> I personally like to have my "How Tos" spoon fed to me, and coming  
> from a Designer gone Programmer background, it would be nice to see  
> more "Flash" style development  for Flex.
> I know they are to different products, but I personally can't wait  
> for Flash 9's release,  The Flex docs are a little to programmer  
> oriented for my taste..
> Russ
> greg h wrote:
> > Thank you Jesse Warden:
> > Flash 9 Button in Flex 2
> > http://www.jessewarden.com/archives/2006/08/flash_9_button.html
> >
> > Now I know how grateful Flash developers were when Colin Moock  
> > first published ADG (ActionScript: The Definitive Guide).
> >
> > This morning I started reading the post by Jesse's that I have  
> > linked to above.  Wow!
> >
> > Jesse's post has one thing after another that I have not seen in  
> > any other source.  And it leaves me wondering, "Jesse, where did  
> > you get all this from?"  If this was substantially all from "just  
> > doin' it" and doping it out, thank you.  But regardless, thank you  
> > for posting the link above (and so many others).
> >
> > Two questions for this list:
> > 1) Can anyone provide other links to blog posts, articles, etc that  
> > detail how to use Flash for authoring Flex 2 content?  And I mean  
> > Flash authoring content that integrates with Flex 2 content (i.e.  
> > AS3, not relying on LocalConnection or ExternalInterface)  (And  
> > sources other than Jesse's blog ;-)
> >
> > I know there was the following thread here on FlexCoders:
> > http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/55461
> >
> > 2) But more important, links into Adobe.com (including Livedocs)?
> >
> > This second question is my real question.
> >
> > The "Flash Professional 9 ActionScript 3.0 Preview" has been public  
> > for over 6 months.  And there have been demos of Flash CS3 for  
> > months.  But so far I do not see anyone from Adobe focusing on  
> > Flash Authoring for Flex 2 using AS3.
> >
> > I am not saying that it is not there, just that I am not seeing  
> > it.  And I keep my eyes open for it all the time.
> >
> > The scariest thing for me, is that Flash CS3 is looking like it  
> > will integrate better with Illustrator than with Flex 2.
> >
> > Please excuse me if I seem like I am asking for clearly documented  
> > workflows and processes.  But both Flash and Flex 2 are:  a)  
> > commercial products; b) owned by Adobe; c) do integrate.
> >
> > Yes, I would like the "How Tos" handed to me on a silver platter.   
> > In Adobe docs.  On Devnet.  etc.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > g

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