Wow!  Remember I said I was a beginner.  I'm sure this is great
information JesterXL, but it is WAY over my head for now.
So, a custom component on the 'parent' can not change the 'parent
You can not transition between custom components?
How would I code this?
~David T.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of JesterXL
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Please Help - Components, States, &

Components should never "know" about other components, in this case, a
View knowing about another View.  They should emit events about their
state changing, or some other action being peformed.  In the case of a
LoginForm, a user clicking the submit button. 

Additionally, while states are really nice to have a comopnent represent
different visual states, they shouldn't necessarely assume these states
are exposed.  They technically are since the currentState function is
public, so shouldn't assume others won't set it.  It's nicer if you
provide a public method to change state internally, but for brevity's
sake, let's just assume a parent will set it.

Here's the scenario:
- user submits signup1.mxml; it emits event
- MXML view that is hosting signup1.mxml responds to event, and changes
state in child ops_v1.mxml
- user clicks cancel in ops_v1.mxml; it emits event
- MXML view that is hosting ops_v1.xml responds to event, and changes
state in signup1.mxml

Rule of thumb: Views handle their own internal workings, and emit events
about what happened.  Parent can respond how they so choose.  Parent in
this case being the MXML form that hosts the child (Canvas embedding
your signup1.mxml for example).

Transitions are the change in one state to another.  State being the
state tag that has a string ID name in an MXML / AS component.
Transition tags have a fromState and toState properties that are the
names of the states you wish to transition between.

In the case of a Login component that has, say "main", "loggingIn",
"error", and "success".  You want to disable the form fields when the
user hits submit, and goes to the loggingIn state.  You could easily do
this by simply setting all fields enabled property to false.  That looks
boring, and is quite abrupt to the user.  Why not fade + blur while
placing a progress bar atop that waits for the server to tell it success
or false?

You can do this by making a transition tag that starts with the
fromState being "main" and the toState being "loggingIn".  Whenever your
loginform has it's currentState change from "main" to "loggingIn", the
transition will be triggered autoatically.  Within the transition tag is
where you can create animations, changes in form properties, styles,
etc.  Additionally, if your first attempt at creating a cool effect
fails, you can simply delete the transition tag, and all code + states
remain intact; transitions are only coupled to state names; that's it.
If you don't have transitions, state changes are instaneous.

Some people disagree with me, but I highly recommend all View's start
with a "main" state that is the default currentState value so you can
easily add more states later; either based off the main state or some
other diffrent state.  FlexBuilder the IDE is really helpful in starting
these for you, although, the state tags are usually put at the top of
your MXML and need to be moved lower manually.

On Jan 22, 2007, at 12:46 PM, David Terry wrote:


First, let me apologize.  I am very, very new to Flex 2 & ActionScript
3, and the learning process has been very slow going and painful.

I truly do not understand the relationship between components, states,
and transitions. 

I have a main application page (ops_v1.mxml) with 2 custom components -
login.mxml and signup1.mxml.  I have figured out how to hide and show
the components depending on states in the ops_v1.mxml page.  But here is
where I am completely lost.  When someone clicks the register button
within the login custom component how do I change the state on the
ops_v1.mxml page?  Conversely...  How do I change back to the login
state when someone clicks the cancel button on the register custom

Next question.  After figuring out how to change states; how do you
apply a transition between those 2 custom controls?  I am guessing I am
really transitioning between the states, but I am lost here also.

This is a really big problem for me.  I have an application I need to
make, but I am totally stuck here.  The application will have many
different custom controls and this is my first big step in understanding
how integration between the components will work.

Enclosed is the code for each item mentioned above. 

Thank you for all your help in advance. 

Best regards, 
David T. 




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