Hi Arthur. It sounds like you're looking to filter the data in each
series based on the value of a field in the data set.  This is a common
request, but not something the charts have any facility for doing. But
it should be pretty straightforward to write a bit of actionscript that
iterates over your dataset, and does the filtering, creating one
dataprovider for each series.  Then assign these dataProviders directly
to the appropriate series, rather than to the whole chart.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of arthurcoutinhoonline
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 11:58 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] need help on showing line series based on list box
selection (Flex Charts)

Hi There,

this is Arthur, im new to flex & have created a small CHART app, where
a user based on the selection from the list box can display the line
Im able to display a line series based on a user's selection of a list
box item, but im facing problems in displaying multiple line series
based on multiple LIST selection.

For. eg. if u select item "1001" from the listbox & select the above
checkboxes like temperature etc. it shall show temperature for the
Line Series (1001), but if u want to see the temperature for id 1001,
1002 & 1003, basically, in 3 different line series, its not coming,
hence would appreciate any help in this. im posting the code & xml
file which u can try & execute for reference

(xml & mxml file for reference):

<mote i="1001" ts="Fri Dec 01 09:47:43 GMT-07:00 2006" t="78.42"
h="41.2761" htc="41.3192" m="2.31080992E8" a="-253.8"/>
<mote i="1001" ts="Sat Dec 02 09:51:16 GMT-07:00 2006" t="71.958"
h="43.2858" htc="42.927" m="2.71912E8" a="-265.1"/>
<mote i="1001" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:17:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="75.756"
h="47.4731" htc="47.3407" m="2.71912E8" a="-265.1"/>
<mote i="1001" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:17:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="75.756"
h="47.4731" htc="47.3407" m="2.71912E8" a="-265.1"/>
<mote i="1001" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:17:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="75.756"
h="47.4731" htc="47.3407" m="2.71912E8" a="-265.1"/>
<mote i="1002" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:22:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.404"
h="32.6505" htc="32.5874" m="1.13968E8" a="-263.2"/>
<mote i="1002" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:27:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.44"
h="32.9308" htc="32.8691" m="1.96078E8" a="-261.9"/>
<mote i="1002" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:32:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.656"
h="32.7206" htc="32.6697" m="1.28732E8" a="-275.6"/>
<mote i="1003" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:37:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.71"
h="32.9308" htc="32.8823" m="1.82054E8" a="-277.0"/>
<mote i="1003" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:42:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.53"
h="33.0009" htc="32.9434" m="9.0637296E7" a="-242.5"/>
<mote i="1003" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:47:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.404"
h="33.2808" htc="33.2167" m="1.1554E8" a="-253.8"/>
<mote i="1003" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:52:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.35"
h="33.0009" htc="32.9346" m="1.22549E8" a="-118.8"/>
<mote i="1003" ts="Tue Dec 12 14:57:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.26"
h="33.2108" htc="33.1397" m="2.3778E8" a="-284.7"/>
<mote i="1004" ts="Tue Dec 12 15:02:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.242"
h="33.3507" htc="33.2785" m="1.21603E8" a="-269.0"/>
<mote i="1004" ts="Tue Dec 12 15:07:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.098"
h="33.1409" htc="33.0619" m="1.28732E8" a="-275.6"/>
<mote i="1004" ts="Tue Dec 12 15:12:09 GMT-07:00 2006" t="76.044"
h="33.1409" htc="33.0593" m="1.38648E8" a="-290.6"/>
<mote i="1004" ts="Tue Dec 12 15:17:10 GMT-07:00 2006" t="75.9"
h="33.5604" htc="33.4707" m="1.96078E8" a="-261.9"/>
<mote i="1004" ts="Tue Dec 12 15:22:10 GMT-07:00 2006" t="75.864"
h="33.4206" htc="33.3295" m="1.35956E8" a="-242.5"/>
<mote i="1004" ts="Tue Dec 12 15:27:10 GMT-07:00 2006" t="75.918"
h="33.4206" htc="33.3322" m="1.55014E8" a="-227.2"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
backgroundColor="#ffffff" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
<http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml> " 
width="780" height="450" layout="absolute" >


import mx.graphics.Stroke;
import mx.charts.series.LineSeries;
import mx.charts.LineChart 
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; // very first step of defining
import mx.rpc.events.*;
import mx.charts.HitData;
import mx.events.*;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase;
import mx.collections.*;
import mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis
import mx.collections.SortField;
import mx.collections.Sort;
import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;

[Bindable] public var slicedmoteData:ArrayCollection;
public var moteData:Array;
[Bindable] public var statesx: Array;

private function initApp():void // this function initates the http
service & the arrays
slicedmoteData = new ArrayCollection(moteData);

public function processFilter(item:Object):Boolean
var result:Boolean=false;
// If no filter text, or a match, then true
/* if(item.i!=list.selectedItem)

} */ 

for(var z:uint; z<list.selectedIndices.length;z++)
if (item.i==list.selectedItems[z])



return result;


public function sortAC():void {
var sortA:Sort = new Sort();
sortA.fields=[new SortField("i",true),new
//Refresh the collection view to show the sort.

private function formatDataTip(hitData:HitData):String
var date:String = hitData.item.ts
var ID:String=hitData.item.i
var Temperature:Number = hitData.item.t
var Humidity:Number = hitData.item.h
var PercentDegradation:Number = hitData.item.m
var SensorOutput:Number = hitData.item.a
return "<b>ID: "+ID+"</b><br><b>Date:
"+date+"</b><br>Temperature: "+Temperature+"<br>Humidity:
"+Humidity+"<br>% Degradation: "+PercentDegradation+"<br>Sensor
Output: "+SensorOutput;
private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void 
{ // this is another way of defining http result receipt 
moteData = event.result.list.mote.source as Array; // http
service as array
slider.maximum = moteData.length - 1;
slider.values = [0, moteData.length - 1];
//slider.minimum= moteData.length + 1;
//slicedmoteData.source = moteData;
statesx=new Array("1001","1002","1003","1004");

private function getSliderLabel(value:String):String

return moteData[parseInt(value)].ts;


private function rangeChange():void
if (moteData != null)
slicedmoteData.source = moteData.slice(slider.values[0],
slider.values[1] + 5);

public function addSeries(series:Array, yField:String, id:String,
var ls:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
ls.displayName = id 
var stroke:Stroke = new Stroke();
stroke.color = color;
stroke.weight = 1;
ls.setStyle("lineStroke", stroke);

private function setSeries():void
var series:Array = new Array();
if (cbTemperature.selected)
addSeries(series, "t", "Temperature", 0xFF0000);
if (cbHumidity.selected)
addSeries(series, "h", "Humidity", 0x009900);
if (cbPercentDegradation.selected)
addSeries(series, "m", "Percent Degradation", 0xFF9900);
if (cbSensorOutput.selected)
addSeries(series, "a", "Sensor Output", 0x00FF90);
mychart.series = series;


<mx:HTTPService showBusyCursor="true" useProxy="false" id="srv"
url="exportXML.xml" result="resultHandler(event)"/>
<mx:SeriesInterpolate id="interpolate" elementOffset="10"/>

<mx:Panel id="mypanel" width="100%" left="0" top="0" title="
Portal Chart" height="100%" >

<mx:ApplicationControlBar height="5%" width="100%"> 
<mx:CheckBox id="cbTemperature" label="Temperature" 
click="setSeries()" color="#FF0000"/>
<mx:CheckBox id="cbHumidity" label="Humidity" click="setSeries()"
<mx:CheckBox id="cbPercentDegradation" label="% Degradation"
click="setSeries()" color="#FF9900"/>
<mx:CheckBox id="cbSensorOutput" label="Sensor Output"
click="setSeries()" color="#00FF90"/>
<mx:Label text="Select Dates From:" width="80" height="20"/>
<mx:HSlider id="slider" width="125" thumbCount="2" 
snapInterval="2" dataTipPlacement="bottom" 
<mx:ToggleButtonBar width="50" dataProvider="{vs}"/> 

<!--/////////////////////////////////// view stack area -->
<mx:ViewStack backgroundColor="#ffffff" id="vs" width="750"

<mx:VBox id="chartVBox" width="100%" height="100%"
icon="@Embed('icon_chart.png')" toolTip="View in Chart"
hideEffect="Fade" showEffect="Fade">
<!-- chart IDeferredInstance will go here -->



<!-- <mx:Label width="100%" text="Select option to display
from the right, you can use the CTRL and SHIFT keys to select multiple
options."/> -->

<mx:LineChart dataTipFunction="formatDataTip" 
id="mychart" dataProvider="{slicedmoteData}" showDataTips="true"
width="670" height="365" > <!--height affects width -->
<mx:horizontalAxis >
<mx:CategoryAxis id="hl" labelFunction="hlabel"
title="Dates" padding="0" displayName="Date" 
dataProvider="{slicedmoteData}" categoryField="date"/>
<mx:AxisRenderer fontSize="8" />
<mx:LinearAxis title="Temperature[F] / Humidity [%] /
PercentDegradation / Sensor Output" />

<!--used o remove formattiung for lines --> 



<mx:GridLines direction="both">
<mx:Stroke weight="1" color="#F4F4F4"/>
<mx:Stroke weight="1" color="#F4F4F4"/>


<mx:HBox width="100%" />
<mx:VBox height="100%">
<mx:Label text="Motes:" /><mx:List fontFamily="Verdana" 
fontSize="10" fontWeight="bold" id="list" dataProvider="{statesx}"
allowMultipleSelection="true" height="100%" width="60" 
click="rangeChange()" themeColor="#00ff00" color="#0000a0"

<mx:VBox width="50%" height="50%"
icon="@Embed('icon_grid.png')" toolTip="View in Grid"
hideEffect="Fade" showEffect="Fade">
<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{slicedmoteData}" width="100%"
height="100%" >
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="i" headerText="ID" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="ts" headerText="Date" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="t" headerText="Temperature" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="h" headerText="Humidity" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="m" headerText="% Degradation" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="a" headerText="Sensor Output" />





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