I've got a Flex 2 / FDS project that I'm trying to stage to an 
interim deployment environment.  

On the developer side, I've set up the FDS access as a 'compile 
locally'.   I can keep my AS/MXML files separate from the server-
side FDS app, which I like for general organization purposes.

This therefore only  deploys the compiled SWF files to the "server-
side".  For at least interim deployment (ie to an independent 
server, not developers desktop, but no full client access either), I 
want to also have the AS/MXML deployed... and be able to run from 
browser either by referencing the html wrapper around the SWF... or 
an mxml application.

I've tried just copying the AS/MXML files to the server side (under 
webapps/{flexds}/{appname}  (where {flexds} is the Flex DS webapp, 
and {appname} is project subdirectly that already gets the SWF/HTML 

When I try to call up an mxml, "{host}/{flexds}/{appname}/
{mainapp}.mxml... I get the subjet line configurationexception.

It appears to be trying to compile the .mxml file, so its finding it 
and its engaging the server side flex compiler... but beyond that I 
have not idea whats wrong.

Anyone else had this problem and solved it?
thanx much

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