I am having some layout problems in my app.  It is fairly complex with
many levels of nesting of panels, viewstacks, boxes, etc...

In the end I have an HBox with a width of '100%'.  I assume this means
"take up 100% of the width of the parent".  Inside the HBox I have
three components.  A VBox on either side, and a VRule in the middle
(as a separator line).  I want each of these VBoxes on the side to
take up 50% of the parent.  If their content doesn't fit, then
scrollbars should appear in that VBox.

What I am finding is that I cannot get this to happen.  If the content
of the left VBox is larger than 50%, it just expands and takes up as
much room as it pleases, forcing scrollbars onto a parent way up in
the stack.

How do I force two children of a box to take up 50% of the parent?  I
have tried 100% for the children and 50% for the children and neither
seems to make a difference

Collin Peters
Lead Software Developer
InTouch Technology

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