Abdul Qabiz wrote:

> What does it mean to me as ActionScript developer? I can use my existing
> skills and write code in other environment which uses Tamarin.

Absolutely.  I've been working with the Tamarin source code quite a bit 
recently and have found that the AVM+ run-time can be readily "abused" 
for doing file format conversions and other such automation from the 
command-line, as it already supports file I/O and binary data.  Adobe's 
Tamarin developers actually have one AS3 script that reformats an opcode 
table into a source and header file in C.

Just out of the box, this functionality is perfect for writing little 
AS3 scripts for manipulating and reformatting data, be they plain ASCII 
or binary much like what people more often use Unix shell scripting or 
Perl scripts.  If you ever needed to do global regular expression search 
and replaces across a lot of files and didn't know enough Perl, young 
ActionScript developer, now is your chance.

And just wait until Tamarin gets hooked in as the scripting engine for 
other bits of fun.  Maybe someone should nudge Blizzard to let us script 
World of Warcraft using AS3.  The boys here would certainly love it  ;)


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