I have an array that populates a datagrid combobox item renderer of: public var file_prioritylist:Array = ["High", "Medium", "Normal", "Low" ]; [Bindable] public var file_priority:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(file_prioritylist);
to avoid them sorting alphabetically I setup a sortCompareFunction for that column to use this function: private function prioritySort(item1:Object, item2:Object):int { if (item1.priority == "High" ) { return 1; } else if( item1.priority == "Low" ) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } which will get it to sort high or low, but how do I get it to sort the normal and medium appropriately??? I would also like to be able to group the datagrid list by values. http://stackoverflowexception.blogspot.com/2007/01/minor-update-of-grid-component.html has an example of what would pretty well cover it but I cannot get it to work with the swc file. I would also like to be able to learn from the code than just use it. tia Impudent1 LeapFrog Productions