Web services use the SOAP protocol and the wsdl file in order to provide
anonymous third parties with information about the interface.  So you
can easily consume a web service, without any other knowledge of the
service or documentation.


HTTPService is simpler, but to use an HTTPService source you will need
to know, via documentation, or looking at the code if you control it,
what it requires as input and what it will output.


If you control both server and client, and you do not plan to make your
data service accessible to outside third parties, then HTTPService is a
good option.  It is very easy to build xml on the server, in almost any
server language. It is simple string or dom manipulation.  And some data
bases make it even easier (FOR XML AUTO).  


Creating a Web service is more complicated.  There is a significant
learning curve.  If you do not plan to make your service publicly
available, you do not need the complexity.  Also, the SOAP protocol adds
some bulk to the data passed down the wire, but in my experience this a
minor consideration compared to the business issues.





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of theduderino82
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:09 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] HTTPService Vs WebService


I've seen many tutorials and I just can't figure out what is the
difference between this too services. I usually use it to interrogate
mysql database through a php file. Which is best?


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