The approach I have used in this case is the ChangeWatcher class

            // set up the watcher when the app loads
            private function doInit():void


            // call this function anytime 'changeText' component is changed
via the model
            private function updateResultsPopup(event:FlexEvent):void
                    //do something

<!--   this component lurks at the bottom of the template, listening for
change -->
<mx:Text id="changeText" text="{modelLocatorAdmin.updateResults}"
height="0" width="0" visible="false"/>

there is probably a better way of achieving the same result, but this works
- let me know

 - mike

             "Lieven Cardoen"                   To: 
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       cc:                                       
             e>                                 Subject:  [flexcoders] Binding 
a property to a function                            
             Sent by:                                                           
             01/26/2007 08:20 AM                                                
             Please respond to flexcoders                                       

 Is it possible to bind a property to a function... A bit like the MVC-pattern… 
 When a property changes, a function should be triggered…                       
 BindingUtils can’t seem to do this.                                            
 Thx, Lieven Cardoen                                                            
 Lieven Cardoen                                                                 
 Application developer                                                          
 interactive digital experience                                                 
 engelse wandeling 2 k18                                                        
 b8500 kortrijk                                                                 

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