Or does anybody know where there's an example of a datagrid that has 
a custom renderer populated with images that have been embed into 
the application? 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Anthony Onumonu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I seem to be having very weird results. The correct image from my 
> cell renderer does not always display. I'm not sure if it's some 
> sort of caching from previous requests.
> Is the problem with the way I'm setting the data on the cell 
> renderer. I've tried various methods all rendering weird results. 
> Sample node from XML returned from HTTP request
> <file>
>   <file_name>file_directory_list.php</file_name> 
>   <file_size>1.8</file_size> 
>   <file_type>file</file_type> 
>   <file_modified>27th January, 2007</file_modified> 
>   <file_extension>php</file_extension> 
> </file>
> Cell Renderer
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <!-- itemRenderers\dataGrid\myComponents\RendererDGHeader.mxml -->
> <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";>
>     <mx:Script>
>         <![CDATA[
>             import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
>             [Embed(source="png/php.png")]
>             [Bindable]
>             public var php:Class;
>             private function setCustomIcon(setValue:String):void
>             {
>               image_id.source = this[setValue];
>             }                           
>         ]]>
>     </mx:Script>
>     <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center">
>     <mx:Image id="image_id" x="20" height="20" 
> creationComplete="setCustomIcon(data.file_extension)" />
>     </mx:HBox>
> </mx:HBox>
> Datagrid
>               <mx:DataGrid id="dgUserRequest" width="100%" 
> height="100%" dataProvider="{userRequest.lastResult.files.file}" 
> itemClick="itemClickEvent(event);" borderStyle="solid">
>                                       <mx:columns>
>                                       <mx:DataGridColumn 
> width="120" headerText=" " dataField="file_type" 
> itemRenderer="renderer.icons"/>                                   
>                                               <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="Name" dataField="file_name"/>
>                                               <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="Size" dataField="file_size"/>
>                                               <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="Date Modified" dataField="file_modified"/>
>                                               <mx:DataGridColumn 
> headerText="Extension" dataField="file_extension"/>
>                                       </mx:columns>
>                               </mx:DataGrid>

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