I know this is a very tricky line that Adobe has to walk between what 
they can say about future components released in the framework. But 
here's my issue: I'd love to build more components for Flex, my only 
worry is that I'll be duplicating energy spent by the Flex team (or 
Adobe consulting). For example, say I wanted to take the Scheduling 
Framework and enhance it. I know the labs page says it's in 0.01 alpha 
or whatever, and they mention that a 1.0 release will happen eventually. 
So if I knew that in one month a more robust and amazing scheduling 
framework was going to be released I wouldn't even bother. But if that 
1.0 release isn't going to happen for 12 months, then it's worth my time 
doing it on my own.

This is the same with other components in the framework. I'm not going 
to concentrate on enhancements to the DataGrid, for example, because I 
know Adobe plans on focusing on that with the Flex 3 framework, and any 
enhancements that I make will probably pale in comparison. But I have 
been working on the TabNavigator because I haven't seen any mention of 
that from an official Adobe source.

I've been amazingly impressed with Adobe's openness with developers 
overall, the release of the framework source, the info regarding the 
release schedule, etc. If it was possible to give us a little bit more 
on which components in the framework have planned upgrades, then it 
might be easier for us to focus our efforts. I know Adobe has said they 
want us to build more components, I just don't want to build the same 
ones that the Flex team's building.


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