In Flex 1.5 I am running a Tomcat server on port 80 which hosts MXML files.
In these MXML files I can reference .NET Webservices on port 8888 which are
also local. So a sample webservice tag would look like this :
<mx: WebService url="http://localhost:8888"/MyService/MyService.asmx....
and everything works just fine when I can my XML from a fully qualified
domain name outside my localhost environment.
Ex : http://mydomain/Sample/Sample.mxml

I am now using Flex 2 and compiling my mxml to swf. So my question is can I
still use the same approach above with compiled swf's or do I have to host
them on TomCat.

I am also having serious issues with crossdomain.xml and
Security.allowDomains, but thats another story.

Ideally i would like to end up with this scenerio if possible :

http://myDomain/Sample/Sample.html which contains a compiled
Sample.swfwhich talks to my local webservice on port 8888. And I wish
to reference the
MX:WebService like :
1. url="http://localhost:8888"/MyService/MyService.asmx
2. url="../MyService.asmx"
and avoid opening my webservice to the world by using url="

hope that makes sense.

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