This works for the DateField, but not the DateChooser.

--- In, "maunger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i think this code works... the disabledRanges is for sure working
> (the today.getTime() - millisecondsPerDay thing let's me set it up 
so the user cannot select 
> dates in the past)
> // these will be used in the date fields
> public static const millisecondsPerDay:int = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
> <mx:DateField id="startDate"
>               selectedDate="{new Date()}" 
>               disabledRanges="{[ {rangeEnd: new Date(today.getTime
() - millisecondsPerDay)} ]}"
>                                               />
> --- In, "jmfillman" <jmfillman@> wrote:
> >
> > How do I set the selectedDate attribute of a dateChooser to 
> > the current day is?
> >

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