That's an awesome topic and I'd love to hear more about it.

My current understanding is that any published work comes under copyright
protection, and that would necessitate permission from the author before
incorporation into a commercial work, if there is no explicit licensing info


On 2/6/07, engkee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I have to commend you all for posting a lot of wonderful components
and extensions to Flex... eg. Ely's calendar, Doug and Jason's tab
navigator extensions, Ben and Trey's reflection effect, Alex's
distortion effect, just to name a few.

Unfortunately, in these day and age, I would have to ask... am I
allowed to incorporate those wonderful works in commercial products?
Am I even allowed to look at the source code, if I work for a company
producing commercial software, without violating some IP issues.

Most of them are not explicitly associated with any specific
licensing terms.

Sure would be nice if there could be some standard practice of
associating these works with a common license, eg. the Creative
Commons (

Maybe there already is some presumed license or disclaimer
for "published" works. If so, please send a pointer.

Just a thought.



: : ) Scott

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