I tried something else on a suggestion, that also did not work, even 
though it seems OK.

I created a style sheet entry like this:
    legendMarkerRenderer:       ClassReference

I made sure the style sheet was included in my app.
I then set the style of my series like this:
for(var k:int = 0; k < tmpSeriesArrayColl.length - 1; k++)
ls = new LineSeries();
ls.displayName = tmpSeriesArrayColl[k].name;    
ls.yField = 'value'; 
ls.xField = 'time';  
ls.form = "line";
ls.dataProvider = tmpSeriesArrayColl[k].data;
stroke = new Stroke();
//Use the color specified in XML for the stroke
stroke.color = tmpSeriesArrayColl[k].color;
stroke.weight = 1;
ls.setStyle("lineStroke", stroke);
ls.styleName = "legendRenderer";
this.linechart.series[k] = ls;                  

It still complained that the object did not find the IFactory 
interface. So it is trying to load my renderer.
It looks like the answer would be to sub-class the renderer and 
implement the IFactory interface. 
Just thought I would share in case anyone sees this issue.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "mgrayfmr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am creating LineSeries objects dynamically, and I want to be 
> to use the CircleItemRenderer for the legend. 
> I tried doing this several ways, but get an error that the 
> cannot be cast to a type of IFactory. I tried making sure 
> CircleItemRenderer was imported, and using new CircleItemRenderer
> but no dice.
> I'm doing something like this.
> The only line that blows up is the LegendMarkerRenderer.
> My array contains series data, a display name, and a color.
> for(var k:int = 0; k < ChartDataVO.arrCollSeriesArray.length - 1; 
> k++)
> { 
>    ls = new LineSeries();
>    ls.displayName = ChartDataVO.arrCollSeriesArray[k].name;    
>    ls.yField = 'value'; 
>    ls.xField = 'time';  
>    ls.form = "line";
>    ls.dataProvider = ChartDataVO.arrCollSeriesArray[k].data;
>    stroke = new Stroke();
>    stroke.color = ChartDataVO.arrCollSeriesArray[k].color;
>    stroke.weight = 1;
>    ls.setStyle("lineStroke", stroke);
>    ls.setStyle
> ("legendMarkerRenderer", "mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer");
>    ls.styleName = ChartDataVO.arrCollSeriesArray_AVG[k].key; 
>    this.linechart.series[k] = ls;                  
> }
> Anyone have any insights ?
> Thanks in advance !!!
> Mike

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