
I would like that the number of lines in my dataGrid is equal to the
number of data from my dataProvider.

I have found a part of solution by searching in this forum, and the code
is simple:

DG.rowCount = DG.dataProvider.length;

So, I have written this code like this:

<mx:DataGrid id="DG" dataProvider="{myDataProvider}"

But it doesn't work: DG.dataProvider.length return 0.

I have tried with the callLater:

private function resizeDG():void {
    var dataLength:String = DG.dataProvider.length;
    DG.rowCount = DG.dataProvider.length;
<mx:DataGrid id="DG" dataProvider="{myDataProvider}"

The problem remains...

I have placed the resizeDG function in the creationComplete of the main
component... and the problem remains...

But, if I create a button that calls the resizeDG, yes!, my dataGrid
grows to the correct number of lines !

Thus, my problem is: how to invoke my function when the dataGrid is
displayed ?
Why the creationComplete doesn't work ?...



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