I did a reinstall quite a while back. But maybe it WAS a bad install - I
recently posted about having an older version of the JRE installed (pre 1.4,
which is the requirement for FB2, yet for some reason I was allowed to
install and run it ...).

I'll try an uninstall and then reinstall. Maybe that will solve the problem.
I'll post back afterwards.


On 2/14/07, Igor Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I suggest you to re-install your plug-in or stand alone version.

Didn't have this problem.

--Igor Costa

On 2/12/07, Derek Vadneau < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I had built some Flex Applications prior to 2.0.1 that are now
> displaying errors.
> I have a pretty simple MXML file that contains a Script tag with the
> source pointing to an AS file in the same directory as the MXML file.
> The AS contains two simple functions:
> private function AppInit():void
> {
> trace('init');
> }
> private function go():void
> {
> output_ta.text = 'hello\n';
> }
> When I upgraded to 2.0.1 I saw errors pointing to the two functions in
> the AS file, both saying:
> 1013: The private attribute may be used only on class property
> definitions.
> When I look at Properties for the project under the Flex Applications
> section it lists test.mxml (default) and test.as.
> When I remove test.as and click OK the errors go away.
> If I then choose Run > Debug or Run > Run everything is fine.
> If I choose Alt+Shift+D,F (listed as Debug Flex Application), the
> errors reappear and test.as is back in the project properties.
> What gives?
> Btw, I've been using this key sequence because it was listed in the
> Keys section of the Preferences as Debug Flex Application. What is the
> difference between this and choosing Run > Debug?
> --
> Derek Vadneau

Igor Costa
skype: igorpcosta


Derek Vadneau

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