Looks like you need to define a custom 'DataChange' event on your data
model, and then listen for this event in your view classes and once
event received redraw view based on new data. 

(something similar to ArrayCollection/DataGrid behavior - you can 
check ListCollectionView, see 'CollectionChange' event and then check
DataGrid/ListBase.collectionChangeHandler() in Flex source code) 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Grant Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys, I've got my view, model, commands and delegate all running and
> my view contains a chart.
> When the model changes for my chart data I need to work the data a
> little and can't just directly use the binding.  
> do I
> 1) change my command to fire an event when the model has been updated
> 2) Is there some way I can observe a model change and then kick of my
> "data work" a little and not directly bind the chart to the model ?
> Grant
> ...........................................
> > b l u e t u b e i n t e r a c t i v e.
> .: grant davies
> .: 404.428.6839 (c)
> .: 708-983-1577 (F)
> > http://www.bluetube.com/bti <http://www.bluetube.com/bti> 
> > A Tribal Chicken Designs Affiliate <http://www.tribalchicken.com/>

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