I have the following simple charting app:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" styleName="plain"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ [Bindable] var sampleData = [ {Month: "Jan", CallsAnswered: 100, CallsAccepted: 120}, {Month: "Feb", CallsAnswered: 90, CallsAccepted: 94}, {Month: "Mar", CallsAnswered: 120, CallsAccepted: 124}, {Month: "Apr", CallsAnswered: 80, CallsAccepted: 80}, {Month: "Mai", CallsAnswered: 80, CallsAccepted: 81}, {Month: "Jun", CallsAnswered: 90, CallsAccepted: 100}, {Month: "Jul", CallsAnswered: 150, CallsAccepted: 160}, {Month: "Aug", CallsAnswered: 170, CallsAccepted: 180}, {Month: "Sep", CallsAnswered: 50, CallsAccepted: 50}, {Month: "Oct", CallsAnswered: 120, CallsAccepted: 130}, {Month: "Nov", CallsAnswered: 110, CallsAccepted: 110}, {Month: "Dez", CallsAnswered: 100, CallsAccepted: 105} ] ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:ColumnChart id="columnChart1" dataProvider="{sampleData}" showDataTips="true"> <mx:horizontalAxis> <mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{sampleData}" categoryField="Month" /> </mx:horizontalAxis> <mx:verticalAxis> <mx:LinearAxis title="Calls"/> </mx:verticalAxis> <mx:series> <mx:Array> <mx:ColumnSeries yField="CallsAnswered" name="Calls Answered"> </mx:ColumnSeries> <mx:ColumnSeries yField="CallsAccepted" name="Calls Accepted"> </mx:ColumnSeries> </mx:Array> </mx:series> </mx:ColumnChart> </mx:Application> However the names of the ColumnSeries ("Calls Answered" and "Calls Accepted") are not shown in the data tips. Any hint?
<<attachment: winmail.dat>>