
You don't need the quotes when assigning it to an attribute, myXml:XML = 
<Option value={myString}></option> should do the trick.

scott_flex wrote:
> how come the following does not work
> var myString:String = "Test data";
> var myXml:XML = <Option value="{myString}"></option>
> //not string substituion occurs, "{myString}" is just inserted as a 
> literal.
> but this does:
> var myString:String = "Test data";
> var myXml:XML = <Option>{myString}</option>
> // {myString} is property repaced wiht the text "Test data"... as I 
> would expect.
> For some reason i can't bind or use the {} notation when creating an 
> XML object and trying to assign attributes of an element... but it 
> does work when i use the {} notation to insert text between the begin 
> and end tags of a node.
> Am i doing something wrong?  Or is this a limitation.... seems silly 
> if it is.

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