Hi folks,

I have the following MXML snippet:

         <mx:Grid autoLayout="false"
           <mx:GridRow width="100%" verticalAlign="middle">
             <mx:GridItem><mx:Label text="From:"/></mx:GridItem>
             <mx:GridItem width="100%">
               <mx:Label id="route_from" width="100%" />
           <mx:GridRow width="100%">
             <mx:GridItem><mx:Label text="To:"/></mx:GridItem>
             <mx:GridItem width="100%">
               <mx:Label id="route_to" width="100%" />
           <mx:GridRow width="100%">
             <mx:GridItem><mx:Label text="Length:"/></mx:GridItem>
             <mx:GridItem width="100%">
               <mx:Label id="route_length" width="100%" />

This is within a VBox inside an Accordion.

The problem is that the width="100%" on the Labels seems to serve as a 
_minimum_ width, i.e. when I change the text on one of the labels to 
something that is "too wide", (a) if I specify autoLayout="true" on the 
Grid, the whole VBox gets bigger, but the Accordion doesn't (and 
shouldn't), so other controls are obscured, or (b) if I specify 
autoLayout="false", scroll bars appear.

This happens both when the text is set within the MXML file and 

What I want is for the Label to grow to fill 100% of the available space 
and not get any bigger regardless of its content, truncating with an 
ellipsis if appropriate; i.e., 100% should be the _maximum_ width, not 
the minimum.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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