You have a few options here. The first is to call flickr directly 
through XML-RPC using Flex. You could use plain old E4X for that, or you 
could use a wrapper library for it. Try it here:

As Renaun mentioned, you could also use REST services for Flickr, they 
work just as well. If I have a choice between REST and RPC, generally 
I'll choose RPC, but I don't know how good the library I just linked 
actually is.

The third option is to use a "middle man", such as amfphp. In that case 
you could use the XML-RPC functions built into PHP, and just have amfphp 
resolve them. For example:

class FlickrService
    function doCall($function, $args)
        //For example, $function = ""
        $apiKey = "YourAPIKey";
        array_unshift($args, $apiKey);
$request = xmlrpc_encode_request($function, $args);
$context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array(
   'method' => "POST",
   'header' => "Content-Type: text/xml",
   'content' => $request
$file = file_get_contents("||", 
false, $context);
$response = xmlrpc_decode($file);
      return $response;
|    }

Then just use ro.doCall("", []);, where ro is 
your RemoteObject instance. That might be slower than a direct call but 
then again, you don't have to store the API ky on the client (a bad idea).


joshuagatcke a écrit :
> I seen that flickr has rest web services, I am really just trying to 
> use xmlRPC from flex with
> PHP. This does not seem that possible. I thought I could close the gap 
> with AMFPHP, but that
> would be a realy pain. I might as well just trunk through the XML. I 
> am thoroughly
> disappointed with the flex + PHP combination. I wish I had know more 
> about the limitations
> of flex before I purchased flex builder.

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