I have Apache and Tomcat integrated using mod_jk (ajp13).  I also 
have mod_ssl loaded in Apache.  I have a web application in Tomcat 
that is protected via forms authentication.  The Main page of the web 
application displays a Flex app.

Everything works fine over HTTP, I'm prompted to authenticate and 
after I do the Flex app displays.  The strange thing is when I try it 
over HTTPS.  I get prompted to authenticate, and after I do I get the 
page that contains the Flex app, but no Flex app.  The Flash Player 
context menu is available (in IE it indicates the "movie not 
loaded..."), but not my app.  

When I look at the log file for Apache it indicates all the auxiliary 
files were returned OK (HTTP 200), but the SWF was not (HTTP 400).  
Not sure why, but it returns 16K for the request even though the move 
is 400K.  Any thoughts?  I'm at a loss.  Here's the log entries...


-Steven - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:50 -0500] "GET /MyWebApp/app/ 
HTTP/1.1" 200 1250 - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:56 -
0500] "POST /MyWebApp/app/j_security_check;jsessionid=548A2CA7D771101D
218AEA5F4618D9E7 HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:58 -0500] "GET /MyWebApp/app/ 
HTTP/1.1" 200 4237 - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:58 -
0500] "GET /MyWebApp/app/AC_OETags.js HTTP/1.1" 200 7826 - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:58 -
0500] "GET /MyWebApp/app/history.js HTTP/1.1" 200 1292 - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:58 -
0500] "GET /MyWebApp/app/MyFlexApp.swf HTTP/1.1" 400 16368 - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:58 -
0500] "GET /MyWebApp/app/history.htm HTTP/1.1" 200 1272 - - [26/Feb/2007:16:32:58 -
0500] "GET /MyWebApp/app/history.swf HTTP/1.1" 200 2656

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