u can use the 

2007/2/28, Mehul Doshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If I have my dataprovider in the following manner:

var dataProvider = [{Date: "02-12-2007", Company1: 20, Company2: 30},
{Date: "02-09-2007", Company1: 20, Company2: 30},
{Date: "02-08-2007", Company1: 20, Company2: 30}]

How can I determine programatically:

1. The number of companies.
I dont't seem to be able to figure out how to find the number of
items in a particular element of the ArrayCollection.

2. Is there a way to structure the dataProvider so that I can also
include the company names. Thus, I can use those names for my legend.


闲云孤鹤 - 清冷香中抱膝吟

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