You can do this in AS3:

               var b:Button = new Button();
      = "myid" + 2;
               trace( " " );

However, i'm guessing he means in the mxml, which i've experienced myself.
Hence you cannot do:

<Button id="{'myid'+1}" />


On 3/1/07, Nick Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  What do you mean by "dynamic id"? I mean, you can pretty easily loop
through a list of items in an XML file and assign one of their values as the
id of the dynamically created object. Heck, I do this all the time with
Actionscript 2 to create menus and such from an XML file.

On 3/1/07, thetexaspsycho2003 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I mean, creating something as simple as a dynamic ID is crucial in
> creating truly dynamic content.


: : ) Scott

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