Hello, I am trying to create an application that has a tab navigator 
that gets loaded with different modules, similar to a browser window 
opening multiple tabs. I have tried different methods but do not know 
how to get a reference to a module to unload it once multiple modules 
have been loaded. This is the code I am using to load the modules:

public var info:IModuleInfo;
private function LoadModule(strUrl:String):void
    info = ModuleManager.getModule(strUrl);
    info.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler);
private function modEventHandler(e:ModuleEvent):void 
    var m:Module = info.factory.create() as Module;

This code works very well to load as many modules as I need. The 
problem is the public var info gets updated as each new module get 
loaded. So I do I get an IModuleInfo object for a module that has 
already been loaded that I can then call the unload() method. Please 
any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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