Hi all,

Programmatically setting the "headerWordWrap" property to "true",
without setting the headerHeight of the DataGrid to a bigger value
seems to be causing this issue. I set the DataGrid's headerHeight="50"
and then set the headerWordWrap to true. This seems to solve the issue.

I did not see any documentation mentioning this anywhere, nor is there
an indication about the settings for headerWordWrap. 

I hope this helps others who get stuck with similar issue.

So here's how you can set it programmatically :

myDGCol.headerWordWarp = true;

In the DataGrid mxml, set the headerHeight to a higher value(to
accomodate 2/3 lines. For ex :

<mx:DataGrid .... headerHeight="50"/>


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "jmorpher03" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting a runtime error stating :
> TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
> This happens when I try to set the headerText for a dynamically 
> created DataGridColumn which contains spaces and special characters.
> For ex:
> var myDGCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("mynewCol1");
> myDGCol.dataField = "mynewCol1";
> myDGCol.headerText = "2/20/07 to 4/3/07";
> After this I add up the "myDGCol" to the DataGrid columns.
> When I have a data, which enables the Vertical ScrollBar and I try 
> to scroll, this exception comes up.
> Has anyone faced this earlier ?
> Regards,
> Asgar.

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