
achegedus wrote:
> I'm having a hard time learning Cairngorm, but I'm determined to
> figure it out!!  My current problem is with my HTTPService.  In my
> Delegate, I'm calling the service like this:
> public class ContactListDelegate
> {
>   private var responder : IResponder;
>   private var service : Object;
>   public function ContactListDelegate(responder:IResponder)
>   {
>     this.service =
> ServiceLocator.getInstance().getHTTPService("ListContactsHS") as
> HTTPService;
>     this.responder = responder
>   }
>   public function list():void
>   {
>     var token : AsyncToken = service.list();
>     token.resultHandler = responder.result;
>     token.faultHandler = responder.fault;
>   }
>   public function listResult():void 
>   {
>     responder.result(responder);
>   }
> }
> and then in my services.mxml i have this:
> <mx:HTTPService id="ListContactsHS"
> url="http://localhost:3004/webservice/list"; 
> useProxy="false" 
> method="GET" 
> makeObjectsBindable="false" 
> result="event.token.resultHandler(event)" 
> fault="event.token.resultHandler(event)" />
> (the service is written in Rails and on the local machine)
> When I call the event to get the data from service though, I get this
> error:
> Error: C0008E: HTTPService not found for ListContactsHS
>       at com.adobe.cairngorm.business::HTTPServices/getService()
>       at com.adobe.cairngorm.business::ServiceLocator/getHTTPService()
>       at com.adamhegedus.contactmanager.business::ContactListDelegate$iinit()

The error seems to indicate the service cannot be found..

Is your Services.mxml in the same package as the Delegate?
Your Services.mxml is a ServiceLocator isnt it?
What does the top 4 or 5 lines of your service.mxml look like?

I dont think it really matters at this point as your service is not 
found(so its not actually executing from the looks of it) but FWIW, this 
is how I would/do, do it:

<mx:HTTPService id="ListContactsHS"

  public class ContactListDelegate
    private var responder : IResponder;
    private var service : Object;
    public function ContactListDelegate(responder:IResponder)
      this.service =
      this.responder = responder

    public function list():void

In my Command I would just call list();
Something like:

class MyCommand {
execute() {
  x = new ContactListDelegate(this);

  // get the result here from the event object.

  //handle a fault.

//end class


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