one first load, mine stays on the picture a while and then goes to black after about 15 sec and then the words "Twirly Face" appear.

on reload, mine goes to black almost immediately and then word appear faster. If I clear my cache I then get 15 sec.

My thinking is that the bug is happening once some element is fully loaded in the cache right before the code which creates the "Twirly Face" text to appear. Without seeing the code it would be hard to know, but I would try to isolate which function is causing black out and post that. What is being loaded before "Twirly Face" appears?? What is being called to load the "Twirly Face" text.

- Kevin

On Mar 14, 2007, at 12:36 PM, {reduxdj} wrote:


I don't know if that's good news or bad news? ;) I checked the
girlfriends mac and both have the same issue, which
player are you using btw? I have 9.028


Troy Gilbert wrote:
> Hmm... I don't get a fade out at all on my Mac (Intel MacBookPro)
> Player (latest Flash 9).
> Troy.
> On 13 Mar 2007 21:57:22 -0700, *{reduxdj}* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> Hi There,
> I was working on a project and didn't even take the time to check
> it out
> in the yet mac until I needed to a little work on it on my macbook
> and I
> discovered a bug in the mac flashplayer. I made a (yass) yet another
> slide show... and this time I used Alex Uhlman's API for AS3.0. I
> don't know why a flash movie would behave differently on the mac
> from a
> pc. On the pc, it plays perfectly while on the mac it fades to black
> right after it loads.
> <>
> I can't isolate the issue... I posted a bug on the Adobe wesbite but
> something tells me that this might be a faster way to get a little
> insight faster.
> Has anybody else had any issues with mac flashplayer working
> differently?
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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