Hi All,

In my project, I have developed Filter functionality in dataGrid 
using comboBox in the grid headerRenderer. I kept column rezisable 
true and combo width set to 100% so that if user resizes the column 
combo shld be adjustable with the column width. one more thing, I 
have skind the combo using a PNG file.

When I resize the column, Combo width is also getting adjusting with 
the column width but its gettig distorted, I can understatnd since I 
am using PNG so this shd happen.. But if I replaces this PNG with 
SWF file, its not getting distorted but when the width of the combo 
is larger then the Arrow Part is also increasing\decreasing 
accordingly, which should not be happend.

Can anyone suggest me something to make it correct?

What I am thinking, Is there any way to skin both the things 
seperately or fix the down arrow box width constant?

Request you to help me..

Thanks in advance,

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