thanks for the advice. I completely agree that I need to store them as dates. Unfortunately, my problem seems to be how to do that from the PHP end of things.

As I understand it, becuase PHP is not a typed language, AMFPHP tries to guess as what the type is. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to force it to see a date type. It sees anything I send it as a string or number (UTC). Any suggestions from AMFPHP coders out there??

In the meantime here is what I am going to try:

in PHP:

send a VO with

class myDate(){

        public phpDate; // as a string

in FLEX:

public class myDate(){

        public phpDate:String;
        public function get flexDate():Date{
return new Date(phpDate); //parse PHP date (not sure how best to do this yet)
        public function set flexDate(value:Date):void{
                this.phpDate = value.toString; //or something like this...

Hopefully this will work and be as clean as I can make it until I figure out how to return Date types from AMFPHP.

Thanks, Kevin

On Mar 20, 2007, at 8:20 AM, Brian Dunphy wrote:

I would store it in a format that both PHP and Flex understand and can
manipulate (i.e. epoch milliseconds). That way you can convert it to
either a PHP date object or a Flex date object for convenience when
you need to.



On 3/20/07, Sam Shrefler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kevin:
> I dont' use AMFPHP so I can't specifically help you with that situation, but > to your first question: I would recommend figuring out a way to get your > PHP DateTypes to automatically transfer to Date type's in Flex. I went down > both roads (Date and String in flex) and found that there is a Date Type in > Flex for a reason. It makes your life easier when dealing with Dates,
> especially comparing, sorting and performing Date arithmetic. So my
> recommendation would be to make the extra effort to get your Object to
> transfer correctly typed properties...
> Sam
> On 19 Mar 2007 17:51:09 -0700, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Should Dates & Times be stored as Strings in Flex VO's?
> >
> > If not, what is the proper way to assign a value from the server
> > (which generally comes in as a string) to a Date type in a Flex VO?
> >
> > I have been struggling with this. I am using AMFPHP and mapping my
> > PHP objects to Flex for calls returned from the server, however, my
> > date fields are not mapping. Does a setter function get call when
> > you are doing VO mapping??
> >
> > Thanks for the help.
> >
> > Thanks, Kevin
> >

Brian Dunphy

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