Another minor benefit is that the project is better organized.  Your
destination folder then does not reside in the source folder.  Project
settings are not in the source folder. And you can setup locales easier.

I also do this because this is what I'm used to.  For example when you
create a Java project in Eclipse or Netbeans or WSAD or whatever, the
project creates src folders for all the source.  Many IDE's now add
more abstraction by putting java sources into a src/java folder.  As
well as creating src/conf or src/config folders and in some cases
src/resources.  I have for some projects created the src/flex folder
for flex projects, but thinking about that now I'm thinking src/as
might be a better location.

Anyway I'm rambeling and repeating myself.

--- In, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I tried that several times, but obviously I did something
> incorrectly.  I'll try again.
> What benefits do you see, other than avoiding the issues with
> "subversion" that you mentioned?
> Tracy
> _____

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