In case anyone else needs it:
I wanted to do a checkpoint on a heading contained in a Flex Form but
FormHeading was not defined in the TEAFlex.xml file so I added it to the custom
file (attached) it should probably be added in the standard distribution. I
have to say that the Flex Automation capabilities are VERY well done. Please
thank who ever is responsible. The instructions on how to get it setup are a
little confusing though. A sample compiled swf that you can test against to see
if it's working would be a great addition to the distribution.
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<TypeInformation xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ClassesDefintions.xsd" Priority="0" PackageName="TEA" Load="true" id="Flex" xmlns:xsi="">
<ClassInfo Name="FlexFormHeading" GenericTypeID="flexFormHeading" Extends="FlexObject" SupportsTabularData="false">
<Implementation Class="mx.containers.FormHeading"/>
<Operation Name="Click" PropertyType="Method" ExposureLevel="CommonUsed">
<Implementation Class="" Type="click"/>
<Argument Name="ctrlKey" IsMandatory="true" DefaultValue="false">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>True if the user held the Control key down when clicking on the container. Otherwise false.</Description>
<Argument Name="altKey" IsMandatory="true" DefaultValue="false">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>True if the user held the Alt key down when clicking on the container. Otherwise false.</Description>
<Argument Name="shiftKey" IsMandatory="true" DefaultValue="false">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>True if the user held the Shift key down when clicking on the container. Otherwise false.</Description>
<Property Name="alpha" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>The level of transparency for this object. The range of valid values is 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque).</Description>
<Property Name="automationClassName" ForDescription="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>The class name as it is known in QTP. For example, FlexButton.</Description>
<Property Name="automationIndex" ForDescription="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>The object's index relative to its parent.</Description>
<Property Name="automationName" ForDescription="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>The name used by the automation system to identify an object.</Description>
<Property Name="className" ForDescription="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>The fully-qualified path in the Flex class library; for example, mx.controls.Button.</Description>
<Property Name="color" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String" Codec="color"/>
<Description>Text color of a component label. The default value is 0x0B333C.</Description>
<Property Name="currentState" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>The current state of the object.</Description>
<Property Name="disabledColor" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String" Codec="color"/>
<Description>Color of the component if it is disabled. The default value is 0xAAB3B3.</Description>
<Property Name="enabled" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>Indicates whether the user can interact with the specified object.</Description>
<Property Name="errorColor" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String" Codec="color"/>
<Description>Color of the error text.</Description>
<Property Name="errorString" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Text that will be displayed in case of a validation error.</Description>
<Property Name="focusEnabled" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>Indicates whether the object can receive focus when clicked on.</Description>
<Property Name="fontFamily" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Name of the font to use. Any font family name can be used. The default value is Verdana.</Description>
<Property Name="fontSize" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>Height of the text in pixels. The default value is 10.</Description>
<Property Name="fontStyle" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Whether the text is oblique or not. Valid values are "normal" and "italic". The default is "normal".</Description>
<Property Name="fontWeight" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Whether the text is bold or not. Recognized values are "normal" and "bold". The default is "normal".</Description>
<Property Name="height" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>The height, in pixels, of this object.</Description>
<Property Name="id" ForDescription="true" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Developer-assigned ID.</Description>
<Property Name="label" ForVerification="true" ForDefaultVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>The Label for this Heading</Description>
<Property Name="mouseEnabled" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>Specifies whether this object receives mouse messages.</Description>
<Property Name="numAutomationChildren" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Integer"/>
<Description>Number of automation children.</Description>
<Property Name="percentHeight" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>Number that specifies the height of an object as a percentage of its parent's size.</Description>
<Property Name="percentWidth" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>Number that specifies the width of an object as a percentage of its parent's size.</Description>
<Property Name="scaleX" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>Number that specifies the horizontal scaling percentage.</Description>
<Property Name="scaleY" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>Number that specifies the vertical scaling percentage.</Description>
<Property Name="tabChildren" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>Determines if the children of the object are tab enabled.</Description>
<Property Name="tabEnabled" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>Specifies whether this object is in the tab order.</Description>
<Property Name="tabIndex" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Integer"/>
<Description>If tabEnabled, the order in which this object receives focus when the user cycles through objects with the Tab key.</Description>
<Property Name="textAlign" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Alignment of text within a container. Valid values are "left", "right", or "center". The default value is "left".</Description>
<Property Name="textDecoration" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Determines whether the text is underlined or not. Valid values are "none" and "underline". The default value is "none".</Description>
<Property Name="textIndent" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Integer"/>
<Description>Offset of first line of text from the left side of the container. The default value is 0.</Description>
<Property Name="themeColor" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String" Codec="color"/>
<Description>Theme color of an object.</Description>
<Property Name="toolTip" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="String"/>
<Description>Text to display in the ToolTip.</Description>
<Property Name="useHandCursor" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>A Boolean value that indicates whether the pointing hand (hand cursor) appears when the mouse rolls over an object.</Description>
<Property Name="visible" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="Boolean"/>
<Description>Indicates whether the object is visible.</Description>
<Property Name="width" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>The width, in pixels, of this object.</Description>
<Property Name="x" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>Specifies the object's horizontal position, in pixels, within its parent container.</Description>
<Property Name="y" ForVerification="true">
<Type VariantType="VT_R8"/>
<Description>Specifies the object's vertical position, in pixels, within its parent container.</Description>