We also use a CF based login at my company.  What I did was modify 
the flashvars parameter in the index.template.html file to include my 
username and password.  I then use these in my call to 
setRemoteCredentials.  FB then launches IE for debugging and sets my 
credentials so the remoting call works.  When I get ready to move the 
code to production I use a .cfm wrapper and pass session variables 
for the username and password.

Code from index.template.html:

                        "src", "${swf}",
                        "width", "${width}",
                        "height", "${height}",
                        "align", "middle",
                        "id", "${application}",
                        "quality", "high",
                        "bgcolor", "${bgcolor}",
                        "name", "${application}",
3F&lconid=' + lc_id + '&username=exiyg&pwd=pppppp',
                        "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash",
        "pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer";

Flash Remoting setup:

cfRemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
cfRemoteObject.destination = "ColdFusion";

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Douglas Knudsen" 
> How to get FB debug to launch in the internal web browser in 
Eclipse and not
> FF/IE?  Possible?
> Why would I want this?  We are having issues with the debugger on 
IE.  Issue
> is we have a CF based login and the Debug launches a new IE session 
> time its used, not reusing a current IE window, thereby breaking 
the debug
> session.  Oh, and IE is the standard in my company :(
> -- 
> Douglas Knudsen
> http://www.cubicleman.com
> this is my signature, like it?

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