It must be something basic, but I can't find it.
I dubbelchecked every class Remote and in Flex. They are all the same.
Locations are all the same.

Now I checked what is comming from the remote server. Alle Classes are
typed correct. But where there should be ArrayCollections, there are
Array's, but containing the right typed Classes.
So the convertion inside Flex is the problem.
Flex recognizes all Classes correctly, but not the Array's as
Every Class I return from PHP are correctly translated by Flex, but
again, the ArrayCollections are not.

Could this be a problem of AMFPHP 1.9 BETA 2? Maybe Flex does not
recognize an Array as Array.

Well my handler:
public function result(data: Object): void
  this.model.productGroups = data.result;

But in Debugmode I can see that in data.result the conversion already
So the Class in data.result is converted, but an ArrayCollection
inside this Class is not.

--- In, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am guessing it must be something basic we are overlooking. I have  
> numerous nested VOs and ArrayCollection's of VO's that get returned  
> from PHP with no problem.  As long as both the RemoteClass tag AND  
> the $_explicitType variable are exactly the same and both point to  
> the server location where the VO lives, then everything seems to map  
> correctly.  Here are the things I would check:
> 1) your remote class & explicit type tags.
> 2) are you casting the return from php correctly in Flex  (ie  var  
> myAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(data.result as Array) )
> 3) Are your class properties named exactly the same (although this  
> seems to not throw and error even when they aren't exact???)
> Check those and see if any of them solve your problem.  otherwise  
> post your handler code so that we can see how you are handling the  
> results.
> - Kevin

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