You are correct.  I changed the selectable to true and it works now.  
Thanks for your help.

--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think by default those components do not have .selectable=true so
> links are inactive off left-click.
> ________________________________
> From: 
> Behalf Of maury.sword
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] htmlText Bug in Label and UITextField
> When I try and embed an html link in the Label and UITextField 
> components the link does not work with a left mouse click but the 
> right click brings up the link contextMenu. Has anyone else run 
> across this problem ? This functionality works correctly in the 
> other text controls. 
> Here's a simple app that demonstrates the bug and the correct 
> behavior of the other text controls.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
> <> " 
> layout="absolute" creationComplete="creationCompleteHandler
> (event)">
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> import mx.controls.Label;
> import mx.controls.RichTextEditor;
> import mx.controls.Text;
> import mx.controls.TextArea;
> import mx.controls.TextInput;
> import mx.core.UITextField;
> private function creationCompleteHandler(evt:Event):void {
> var lblTest:Label = new Label();
> lblTest.width = 200;
> lblTest.htmlText = "<a href=\"
> <> \" 
> target=\"_blank\">Label Link</a> - Right Click only"; 
> addChild(lblTest);
> var tfTest:UITextField = new UITextField();
> tfTest.width = 200;
> tfTest.y = 30;
> tfTest.htmlText = "<a href=\" 
> \" 
> target=\"_blank\">UITextField Link</a> - Right Click only"; 
> addChild(tfTest);
> var txtTest:Text = new Text();
> txtTest.y = 60;
> txtTest.htmlText = "<a href=\"
> <> \" 
> target=\"_blank\">Text Link</a> - works"; 
> addChild(txtTest);
> var taTest:TextArea = new TextArea();
> taTest.height = 22;
> taTest.y = 90;
> taTest.width = 200;
> taTest.htmlText = "<a href=\" 
> \" 
> target=\"_blank\">TextArea Link</a> - works"; 
> addChild(taTest);
> var tiTest:TextInput = new TextInput();
> tiTest.y = 120;
> tiTest.width = 200;
> tiTest.htmlText = "<a href=\" 
> \" 
> target=\"_blank\">TextInput Link</a> - works"; 
> addChild(tiTest);
> var rteTest:RichTextEditor = new RichTextEditor();
> rteTest.y = 150;
> rteTest.width = 200;
> rteTest.htmlText = "<a href=\"
> <> \" 
> target=\"_blank\">RichTextEditor Link</a> - works"; 
> addChild(rteTest);
> }
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> </mx:Application>

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