This is a FOL of using types like Number in ActionScript or float/double
in Java, C, C++, etc. They can't do exact decimal fractions, because
they store values in binary and can't exactly represent a value like
0.99. You'll either need to do rounding or compute in pennies rather
than dollars in order to avoid fractions.
- Gordon


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of wdsnapper
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:10 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex Number addition math bug?

I have an application that is showing me stange results from basic
addition. In short, I have a cart full of items that are all $0.99. 
Each price is in a Number property of an object. The math is simple.
It is generating very odd results. If I start with:

var total:Number = 0;
var price:Number = 0.99;

then do:

total += price;
total += price;
total += price;

You would expect total to be equal to 2.97. I get 2.96999999...
The next time I add price I get 3.96.

The following simple application illustrates the problem. Try it. Do
you see the same results? Am I doing something wrong or is there a
math bug? I can work around this but would REALLY like to understand
the root cause.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="
<> "
layout="absolute" initialize="initIt()">
private var theNumber:Number = 0;
private var incrementAmount = 0.99;

private function initIt() {
this.numberLbl.text = String(theNumber);
private function incrementIt():void {
theNumber += incrementAmount;
this.numberLbl.text = String(theNumber);
<mx:Panel x="121" y="113" width="250" height="200" layout="absolute">
<mx:Button x="125" y="44" label="Increment" click="incrementIt()"/>
<mx:Label id="numberLbl" x="43" y="44" text="Label" fontSize="12"/>



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