> Ok, I have never really used AsyncToken so I don't really understand
> the benefits to it.  But what would you add to it that would be of any
> use? Could you not just have an object you pass in the doAction
> function that is added to the token? 
That would probably work just as well I guess. I am just exploring the
grounds looking for consistency. Besides the extra data one can assign
to the token, the fact you can add responders to it also seems an
interesting feature. I am still struggling with how to manage event
types and event listener's making sure no leaks are introduced or
handlers are invoked at the wrong or multiple times. A responder
attached to the token would be a possible 'solution', avoiding the
need to design an application specific event structure with associated
listeners that are added or removed as needed....actually what I
really could use is synchronous service invocations, but as others
have stated introducing me to the flash/flex world:  "Resistance is
futile" ... :)

> Aside from all that, forget about doLater, use callLater, there is
> plenty of info on callLater in the help.
Thanks, that might actually be what I was looking for.

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