Make sure you have the ActiveMQ jar file in your WEB-INF/lib directory.

Also, my destination XML looks significantly different:

        <destination id="queue1">
                <adapter ref="jms" />

                        <channel ref="my-rtmp" />

Most notably, I'm not sure you need the "java:" bit in your
<destination-jndi-name> property, and you might consider adding the
<initial-context-environment> section as I have above.

Best of luck!


On 23 Mar 2007 05:57:18 -0700, elmiguelestaaqui
> Hi,
> I'm trying deploy activemq in jboss. All it's allright, I launch a java app
> that send messages to topic destination, but when I want to connect from
> flex consumer to that destination, no messages are received.
> I have follow all steps in the activemq with jboss integration tutorial:
> In the messaging-config.xml file of flex I have written:
> <destination id="chat-jms">
>     <properties>
>     <server>
> <durable>false</durable>
> <durable-store-manager>flex.messaging.durability.FileStoreManager</durable-store-manager>
> </server>
>     <jms>
> <message-type>javax.jms.ObjectMessage</message-type>
> <connection-factory>java:comp/env/JmsConnectionFactory</connection-factory>
> <destination-jndi-name>java:activemq/topic/inbound</destination-jndi-name>
> <destination-name>flexChat</destination-name>
> <delivery-mode>NON_PERSISTENT</delivery-mode>
> <message-priority>DEFAULT_PRIORITY</message-priority>
> <acknowledge-mode>AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE</acknowledge-mode>
> <transacted-sessions>false</transacted-sessions>
> </jms>
> </properties>
>     <channels>
> <channel ref="my-rtmp"/>
> </channels>
> <adapter ref="jms"/>
> </destination>
> In the java app I connect to "activemq/topic/inbound", and I send messages.
> In the flex app I create a consumer, with destination "chat-jms", but I
> don't receive messages
> :(
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks!

Brian Dunphy

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