Hi all, I've been wanting to learn Flex since 1.5 and finally got the chance
to really dive in this weekend. I'm putting together an application that
gets information from a ColdFusion application and was wondering if I'm
handling the results properly. I want to bind the data from one of the
methods of my RemoteObject, but I want to massage the data first (add a
property that doesn't exist on the server) so this is what I'm doing:

My RemoteObject looks like this:
<mx:RemoteObject id="Jukebox" destination="ColdFusion" showBusyCursor="true"
       source="model.service.JukeboxService" />

In my initApp() method, I've got this line:

Which triggers this function:
public var fullList:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
public function handleResult(e:ResultEvent):void {
   for (var i:Object in e.result) {
       e.result[i].inPlayList = "+";

And then my DataGrid:
<mx:DataGrid id="fullListDG" width="80%" dataProvider="{fullList}"
itemClick="setSelectedTrack(event)" y="30">

It seems to be working, though I'm not sure how strong that binding is; I
seem to recall in the reams and reams of docs and examples I read this
weekend that binding a variable like that won't update the DataGrid if the
contents of the variable change?

- Ken

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I
repeat myself.
-- Mark Twain

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