yeah the more I think about it, I think that it would be better to have the 
option to add more things to eclipse, and have everything in one spot. As I use 
ColdFuson too, and I am very interested in connecting and making my app with a 
ColdFusion back-end, and having everything in one space is I think better. 
Also, next semster at school I will be taking Java,a nd I will use eceplise for 
that too, well most likely, so the plug in is sounding more and more like a 
better option.

I guess if I run into a opps during the install, I can get help on this list`-`



----- Original Message ----
From: Clint Tredway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:49:21 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder


            the cool thing is, you can you either one, but I have stuck to 
using the plugin version.

On 27 Mar 2007 06:43:28 -0700, John Barrett <
[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:


Clint thanks`-`
Yep, that is what i was looking for, "What would you do" type of answer, thanks 
so much.
I have been reading,and i think that I will be getting the plug in version.



----- Original Message ----
From: Clint Tredway <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:23:16 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder

            What is the same is the flex part of FB and the plugin. But the 
underlying eclipse is not the same. If it were me, I would get the plugin not 
the standalone.

On 27 Mar 2007 06:19:40 -0700, 
John Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:


HI Clint,
Thanks for the advice. I read on adobe's site that they were both the same.
I am not too good setting things up, and so I was thinking about getting the 
standalone as everything is set up, but then to use ColdFusion & Flex in the 
same environment without switching back and forth is a nice idea. Ecplise takes 
some getting used to, but all in all I do like it.

With the plug ins you just throw all the files in the plugin folder? I don't 
think that you can use software updates in eclipse for this?

Since most people on this lists are not newbies at flex, and I am I thought 
that this would be a good question to ask.

I also found this site:
http://www.riapedia .com/2007/ 03/20/flex_ builder_stand_ alone_or_ 

Just a few days ago, and so I guess I am not the only one thinking about it.

I am excited as I finally have the money for flex builder, it is just a 
question about which one.


----- Original Message ----
From: Clint Tredway <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2:32:08 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder

            I use the plugin. The reason is I use CFEclipse and other plugins 
and as those mature they are needing the newer build of Eclipse. The standalone 
FB is an older version of Eclipse.

On 3/27/07, John Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:


I have a question. I am just about to get Flex Builder, and i am wondering 
which is the best option the stand alone or the eclipse plug in?

I do not use eclipse that much, well sometimes but I usually use dremweaver for 
ColdFusion. I like cfeclipse, I think that I am just too used to dreamweaver.

Can I ask which version do you use? Is there a preference? I will manly using 
eclipse only for flex, as I do now,and space on my machine is no isse, and so 
If I have to install and extra eclipse  is no worries for me.



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