It's because the .default node is not bindable (it's an anonymous element of
an xml object). Doesn't the warning mention something about not implementing
the IEventDispatchable (or other!) interface?

What is the best practice for this?

I know you could point a bindable property to that node itself, but may not
be what you're looking for, such as:

[Bindable] var default: ObjectProxy;

//this should get picked up by bindings
default = DALocationsXML.default;


On 27 Mar 2007 06:45:50 -0700, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I've got an XML List
with information something like:
<location address1="123 Street" locationid="1234" ... />

I have it declared in my Model as an XMLLIst: public var

and in one of my views, I'm trying to load the data into a List..

I don't have an error but I have a warning telling me
Data binding will not be able to detect changes to XMLList "default",
need an XML instance.

How can I knock this warning out?


: : ) Scott

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