
I have a requirement to be able to put special images as legend item 
I was able to achieve this with code like:

   <mx:LegendItem label="Lorem" legendMarkerRenderer="@Embed
('simpleline_legend1.gif')" />

However, I need to be able to do this dynamically in actionscript using 
something similar to whats described in:


I am unable to figure out how I can assign an array of legendItem 
objects to the legend

The Legend doc says I can define an array of legenditems for the legend 

but I am missing how?

I do not see any property or method to add legenditems to the legend, 
and if I try to assign the legend to an array of legenditem objects, it 
doesnt like it. I am probably missing something basic but unable to 
figure out - hence the post.

Also, while I am at this, whats the best way to replicate the @embed 
behavior in actionscript?

Thanks for help

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