Yes, this would clip. If you want to slide and minimize, you need a
combination of MOVE and RESIZE. As both effects run in parallel, it
looks smooth if you allow both effects the same duration. I have a few
sliders in a beta app, if you want to check.
<>  (use guest/guest to log in). Right to the main
item list, you will find a slider button (vertically centered). Click on
it to see a dashboard slid in...


--- In, "Nate Pearson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> thanks for the reply. Will that clip the canvas if it goes outside of
> it's parent container?
> I.E. Parent is 400 pix wide. Child that you want to slide is 200px
> wide and is centered in the parent. If you slide the child xTo="1"
> will it look like its sliding outside of its parent
> I'm about to go to bed or else I would try it right now. Either way
> I'll try it in the morning to figure out what's happening.
> Thanks again.
> --- In, "iko_knyphausen" iko@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > I did not want to install the app, but I have done some sliding in
> > out...
> >
> > I used a combination of MOVE effects and RESIZE in some cases. So
> > example if you want to slide a Canvas (with its children) you can
> > approach as follows...
> >
> > <mx:Move id="moveEffect" xTo="1" duration="500" target="myCanvas" />
> >
> > <mx:Canvas id="myCanvas" ... />
> >
> > in an eventHandler you can then trigger the effect using
> >
> >;
> >
> > This is the bare minimum... but it explains the mechanism and what
> > look for...
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Nate Pearson" <napearson99@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm trying to figure out how the "slide in slide out" effect is
> > >
> > > Here is an example in an apollo app:
> > > (pretty cool app by the way!)
> > >
> > > When you start finetune desktop up and click the arrows left an
> > > you see how one things slides in and one slides out? That's what I
> > > want!
> > >
> > > How the heck do you do it? Is it a tween? It looks like there is a
> > > non-linear easing function on it but I'm a noob to effects.
> > >
> > > Thanks for your help in advance! :)
> > >
> >

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