when using the popUp manager, set the popUp to be modal and that will do the
same as an Alert box.
var helpWindow:TitleWindow = TitleWindow(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,
what, true));

in the above code, if you set the last param to true, it will be modal and
that will do what you want.

On 03 Apr 2007 08:40:22 -0700, stephen50232 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can anyone tell me or point me to a article which shows how to open a
window or a form, with the background greyed out, in a similar way
that an Alert popup box does.

I have seen loads of examples where people are using it but I cannot
see how to do it.



I am not a diabetic, I have diabetes
my blog - http://grumpee.instantspot.com/blog

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