Hello people!

I was wondering if anyone has idea how to set up binding of custom values.
I'm building app here, for which I would like to be able to import all
captions from data base in order to enable multi language environment.
Therefor i might receive array of captions from data base in form
Array({id:1, caption:"aa"}, {id:2, caption:"bb"}) afterwards I'd like to be
able to make lets say button to have it's label from that object like
Button.label = Dictionary.getLableById(1)
So far everything is good except that I don't see any way how to involve
Flex binding mechanism in this schema. I don't know how many values there
will be, nor I know how they are going to be named.
I just thought that I could create dictionary class with lotsa predefined
public variables, that probably would work. Though it doesn't seem a good
way to me.
Oh, and one more thing - how do I <mx:Button label = "{smthn}" /> with AS
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


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