When a Flex application in a browser
communicates with a php page for the first time a session is created.
This is the same behavior as user receiving a PHP page in their
 - true , but the session is created only if the php installed in your server 
is configured to auto start a session or you manually start the session in your 

- This session that is created last indefinitely with Flex
applications because Flex keeps the connection open / session alive on
the server. 

I am not  sure if  this is 100% true , but i believe by default , the http 
headers send Connection: Keep-Alive, so sessions remain alive. In my 
application it works okay, session doesn't expire while flex application runs. 
However, I believe if you send custom HTTP headers this behavior can be lost.

- Flex keeps the connection alive by periodically pinging the server. 

same as above

- Sessions will never timeout due to this behavior.
same as above

- When the user navigates away from the Flex application the session will 
timeout on the server. 

 true , it will timeout in the time specified in your php.ini

 To manually timeout a session on the server call a page or function that 
executes this code "
session.destroy( );" <-- not sure what the recommended method to clear the 
session on the server.

- true , depending on your php session you will call the correct function to 
destroy the session

Hope this helps.

----- Original Message ----
From: dorkie dork from dorktown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2007 8:37:15 PM
Subject: [flexcoders]PHP and Flex questions


someone tell me if these statements are true or false and if false what is
the correct answer?

- When a Flex application in a browser
communicates with a php page for the first time a session is created.
This is the same behavior as user receiving a PHP page in their

- This session that is created last indefinitely with Flex
applications because Flex keeps the connection open / session alive on
the server. 

- Flex keeps the connection alive by periodically pinging the server. 

- Sessions will never timeout due to this behavior.

- When the user navigates away from the Flex application the session will 
timeout on the server. 

- To manually timeout a session on the server call a page or function that 
executes this code "
session.destroy( );" <-- not sure what the recommended method to clear the 
session on the server.

Any answers will help even partial. 




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