As you've heard the answer is no, but your flex app can call a method on your 
application server that can. I suggest having your application server write out 
the xml file and save it that way. The theory would be you pass the data you 
want written to your application server it writes the file out to a temp xml 
file (could also be done without a file being written) and then returns the 
headers as a file and thus will prompt the user to save. Kind of the same 
concept as what people do to get dynamic data from the database to save to an 
excel spreadsheet. But instead of the header being for an excel file you set it 
to XML.

Good luck,

Mike Weiland
Aspen Tree Media

Original Message -----------------------
Hi guys,

I under stand Flex is for RIA but if it's just an embedded swf file
within HTML can it not just be used for desktop apps.
All I would like to do is write an XML file (based on the work the
user has done via my flex app) to a folder on the file system, is this

Is it possible for Flex to write to the local file system or is this
something that Apollo will take care off.

Also do any users have any idea on how long it will be before we can
expect the first release of Apollo (Not including the current alpha one)

Thanks for reading,


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